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Black Oil Sunflower Seeds



Black oil sunflower seeds are packed full of vitamins and minerals. They are also high in amino acids...which are very important for muscle building and maintenance. 

Excellent source of essential oils and calories and can be fed to aviary birds, wild birds and chickens.  They are high in Vitamin E, Vitamin B1, folate, selenium, magnesium and Omega 3s & 6s, all of which are essential to a healthy diet.  Black Sunflower seeds have 10% more oil than striped sunflower seeds.

Can also be used as treats for Chinchillas!

Black oil sunflower seeds can be fed as whole seeds right along with your horse's other feeds. For some picky eaters, you may have to start with very small amounts and gradually increase to the amount you want to feed.

NOTE: Do not feed grey sunflower seeds to horses.
